

Which married couple do you think is the best match?

What is the secret to a happy marriage?
Who has the happiest marriage you know?
What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘marriage’?
What do you think about gay marriage?

How much coffee do you drink every day?

Do you care if you have instant or blend coffee?
Do you need coffee to wake you up in the morning?
What is your favorite coffee?
What do you think of Starbucks?

Do you think eating dogs is wrong?


What animals do you think are not allowed to eat?
Why is it ok to eat pigs but not dogs?
Do you think the day will come when humans will eat only lab grown meat?
How often do you eat yakiniku?

What do you think of Matsumoto Hitoshi's absence from work?

松本人志が活動休止「記事と対峙し裁判に注力したい」事務所に申し入れ 一部週刊誌で性加害報道 - お笑い : 日刊スポーツ

Do you watch a lot of Downtown's TV shows?
How often do you read weekly magazines?
Do you think weekly magazine reports can be trusted?
Who is your favorite comedian?

At what age should a coming of age ceremony be held?


What can you do when you turn 18?
What is prohibited by law until you turn 20?
Do you think a coming of age ceremony is necessary?
Why is coming of age ceremony important?