

When did you hear about the earthquake?

Was there any damage where you live?
Do you have earthquake protection for your furniture?
Are you prepared for any disasters?
How do you feel about people who spread fake news?

What traditions do you and your family have for New Year's Day?

How did you spend New Year's Eve?
Did you spend New Year's Eve with your family?
Do you go on a New Year's Day visit?
What would you like to pray for?

Who is the most memorable person you lost this year?

How old do you think you are likely to live?
Do you think there is an afterlife?
Are you afraid of dying?
What is something you really want to do before you die?

What are your New Year's resolutions for next year?

Do you make New Year's resolutions every year?
Are there any rules you try to follow regarding food?
What are your travel plans for next year?
What do you most want to do next year?

What was your personal top story of this year?

What was your happiest moment of this year?
What was your saddest moment of this year?
What was your most expensive purchase of this year?
Has this year been a good year for you?