

Don't you think this penalty is too heavy compared with the case of Hitomi Yosizawa?

日航、実刑の副操縦士解雇を決定 社内基準超で停職も:社会:中日新聞(CHUNICHI Web)
元「モー娘。」吉沢ひとみ被告に執行猶予付きの有罪判決 - 産経ニュース
英国だと一発で実刑という厳しさ 日航元副操縦士の飲酒事件が示した規制強化の必要性(前田恒彦) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース

What is the proper penalty for this pilot?

Do you think pilots should be banned drinking the night before a flight?

Are the drinking and driving laws in Japan too lax?

What do you think is the best way to privent drunk driving?

