

How much exercise do you do per week?

歩行「1日60分以上」、筋トレ「週2~3回」で健康に 国が推奨へ:朝日新聞デジタル

Do you like exercise?
What are your health practices?
Do you have any unhealthy habits?
How do you relieve stress?

What is your Kanji character for this year?

What have you enjoyed most this year?
What has been your saddest moment this year?
What has this year been like for you?
What are you planning to do next year?

Would you mind being single for the rest of your life?

「一生独身でも気にならない」Z世代は6割。「法律婚にはこだわらないがパートナーと暮らしたい」という思いも【調査結果】 | ハフポスト NEWS

What do you think of people who never marry?
Why are fewer and fewer people getting married?
Who has the happiest marriage you know?
How do you think marriage changes people?

What do you think of Shohei Otani?

If you had $700 million, what would you do with it?
How much is your allowance per month?
What is your most treasured possession?
What are your pet peeves?

Is it wrong for a Disney character to lift up a skirt?

ディズニーパレードでミニーのスカートめくり「セクハラ」批判の声 オリエンタルランド謝罪 - 弁護士ドットコム

In general, how do you treat others ?
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
How close are you to your family?
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?