

What TV programmes do you plan to watch during the New Year's holiday?

What are your plans for the New Year's holiday?
What are you looking forward to for New Year's Day?
Are you planning to see someone at New Year's?
What are your memories of New Year's Day as a child?

What do you think of the high value contracts in Major League Baseball?

山本由伸がドジャースと契約合意 12年総額455億円、ヤ軍に代理人から断りと複数米メディア - MLB : 日刊スポーツ

How much do you watch Major League Baseball broadcasts?
What sports have you watched on air this year?
Do you watch sports scenes on YouTube?
What sports do you go to watch?

What is Gen Z?

Z世代の約6割「一生独身でも気にならない」 一方で「結婚にはこだわらないがパートナーと暮らしたい」半数以上に|まいどなニュース

What are the characteristics of Generation Z?
Do you think it is acceptable for Generation Z to be single for the rest of their lives?
Do you know any young people who do not own a TV?
Can you live without a TV?

What is sexual harassment?

ENEOSホールディングス社長解任 酔って女性に抱きつく 去年も“セクハラ”で…2年連続トップが退く異例事態(日テレNEWS NNN) - Yahoo!ニュース

Have you ever been sexually harassed?
What would you do if you were sexually harassed?
Is it sexual harassment to ask if you are married?
Is it sexual harassment if a foreigner hugs you?

Why does Japan grant so few refugee statuses?

‘Nowhere to go’: African refugee applicants camp in Tokyo park | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

Are you in favour of accepting refugees?
What is the difference between refugees from Ukraine and refugees from Africa?
What do you think should be done with refugees who have nowhere to go?
Who should help the refugees?