

Are you planning to see anyone over the New Year holidays?

What are your plans for the New Year's holiday?
Do you want to spend New Year's Day on the road?
Are you planning to give someone a New Year's gift?
What do you eat for New Year's Day?

What do you think of foreign taxi drivers?

タクシーやバスの運転手、外国語試験OK 警察庁が20言語の問題例:朝日新聞デジタル

Do you think there will be any problems if the bus or taxi driver is a foreigner?
Should Japan accept foreign doctors and nurses?
What do you think about increasing the number of foreigners in the care sector?
Do you think foreigners should be allowed to work as members of the Self-Defence Forces or as police officers?

Do you dye your hair?

「金髪OK」 企業で広がるヘアカラー自由化の波 保育士にも | 毎日新聞

If you were allowed any colour, what colour would you dye it.
Do you think it is acceptable for high school teachers to dye their hair blonde?
What kind of hair would you really like?
How has your hairstyle changed over the past few years?

What are the causes of the declining birth rate?

少子化加速 今年生まれた子ども72万6千人、最少に 朝日新聞推計 [少子化を考える]:朝日新聞デジタル

What can be done to stop the declining birth rate?
What is the problem with a declining population?
Low fertility is a global trend. Why do you think this is?
Should Japan accept more immigrants?

Did you eat cake at Christmas?

How do you feel about the cake becoming more expensive?
How did you spend Christmas?
Have your feelings towards Christmas changed since you were a child?
What does Christmas mean to you?