

How do you feel about men taking childcare leave?

男性の育休取得率「2030年度に85%」へ 岸田首相が政府目標の引き上げを表明(日テレNEWS) - Yahoo!ニュース
【2022年最新】男性の育休はじつはメリットだらけ! 取得期間や助成金など、法改正も併せて制度の内容を解説 - マネコミ!〜お金のギモンを解決する情報コミュニティ〜

Do you think men should also take time off to raise their children?
Do you think the male parental leave program will increase the birth rate?
Are there any men around you who have taken childcare leave?
Why do so few men take parental leave in Japanese society?

Four routine questions
What do you plan to do today?
What did you do today?
What did you do yesterday?
What are you going to do tomorrow?

