

At what age do you want to retire?

仏 年金制度改革法案を議会での投票行わず採択 労組など猛反発 | NHK | フランス

1.In France, the retirement age seems to extend to 64. What do you think?
2.In Japan, the retirement age for most companies is 60. Do you think that is reasonable or not?
3.Is a mandatory retirement age necessary?
4.What do you think will happen when the retirement age reaches 70?
5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of rehiring older workers?
6.What problems does Japan has if too many of its citizens are in retirement?
7.Do you think Japan can maintain its pension system?
8.Do you have plans for retirement?
9.Are you putting money away for your retirement?
10.What would be a perfect retirement for you?

Four routine questions
1.What did you do today?
2.What do you plan to do today?
3.What did you do yesterday?
4.What are you going to do tomorrow?

